In a groundbreaking moment for the Snooker Shoot Out, Shaun Murphy etched his name in history by recording the tournament’s first-ever 147. The quick-fire event, played over a single frame lasting 10 minutes, witnessed Murphy’s remarkable feat as he triumphed over 16-year-old Bulcsu Revesz in Swansea.
The unique format of the Shoot Out, where each match is decided in one frame, intensifies the pressure on players, and Murphy embraced the challenge with an awe-inspiring maximum break. With two minutes and 26 seconds to spare, Murphy completed the 147, surpassing the previous best break of 142 held by Mark Allen.
During the high-speed competition, players are granted 15 seconds per shot in the initial five minutes, with the duration reduced to 10 seconds for the final five minutes. Murphy, the 2005 World Championship winner and a three-time runner-up, showcased exceptional skill and composure throughout the historic match.
Seizing on an error from Revesz in their first-round encounter, Murphy remained unfazed even when a spectator from the crowd shouted, “don’t bottle it now,” as he prepared for the final blue.
In an interview with Eurosport following his victory, Murphy expressed his excitement, saying, “It was great fun. I love the event and can’t believe what’s just happened. It was a real buzz. You get excited out there playing this event, win or lose.” He further highlighted the pleasure of delivering a special moment for the fans in attendance.
Reflecting on his achievement in a later interview with the official World Snooker Tour channel, Murphy revealed, “I was trying to make the 147 from the very first shot. It was one of the best I have ever made. I am absolutely buzzing. Every ball I hit went in the middle of the pocket. I am gobsmacked.”
Fellow snooker players joined the chorus of praise on social media, with Mark Allen describing Murphy’s performance as “one of the best things I’ve ever seen in snooker” and David Grace and Sean O’Sullivan expressing their amazement at the “ridiculous” and “unbelievable” achievement, respectively. Shaun Murphy’s historic 147 has added a new chapter to the captivating legacy of the Snooker Shoot Out.